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Create New Roofur Account

What features do I get with an account?

  • View order progress
  • Live chat with your orders
  • Making changes to existing open orders
  • Can subscribe to the commission status mailing list
  • Unlock certain features on the site
  • Securely encrypted all valuable information
Your login name will be used to access your account again in the future. It can be a nickname or email address.
New Feature! If you include a Telegram username as your 'Alt Contact', there is a Roofur assistant bot you can link up to that can send you instant notifications about your account! After you signup, go check it out: @RoofurBot
Once submitted, if you are also subscribing to the commission status updates, you will have to verify your email by clicking on the provided url from the email we send you.
Only verified accounts will receive email updates (like commission status updates, chats, etc).
First Name
Last Name


Login Name (A unique nickname or email address)
Confirm Password
(Minimum 6 characters in length)
Alt Contact
Subscribe to Commission Status Updates
Are you 18 years old or older?